Life Coaching/ Counselling/ Addiction counselling /Berading Dienste
SDJ (Debbie) Nagel
Wellness Counsellor
WC 22/1219
SDJ (Debbie) Nagel
Wellness Counsellor
WC 22/1219
* When you are ready to change the patterns that you don't want in your life (even addiction) - this is the page for you.
*Wanneer jy reg is om die patrone wat jou hinder te verander, selfs verslawing.
*When you are needing a sound board for your thoughts - this is the experience for you.
* Wanneer jy iemand nodig het om jou redenasie akkuraatheid te evalueer.
* Counselling Services.
* Beradings dienste.
* Grief and Loss Coaching.
* Verlies en Rou Berading.
*Trauma Healing
*Trauma Genesing.
*Life Coaching Programs that will enhance your life.
*LewensGids Programme wat jou lewensfilosofie verryk.
* Dedicate Time to YOU to heal and Enhance your Life Experience!
* Tyds-toewyding vir jou om te genees en te floreer.
*You are in control! How many sessions and how frequent ? In you hands!
* Jy is in beheer. Hoeveel sessies en hoe gereeld is in jou hande!
Intake Meeting/ Eerste ontmoeting: 30-45 minutes - R0
Counselling Services/ Berading: 45-60 minutes - R450
Trauma counselling /Trauma berading/ Grief and Loss counselling/ Rou en verlies berading:
45- 60+ minutes - R450
Personal Life Coaching/Persoonlike Lewensgids Programme:
Prices as below/Pryse soos hieronder.
How does the Self Paced packages work?
** A Self-Paced package is a book with activities, Trauma healing techniques as well as healing bits of knowledge weaved together.
** You complete the book at your own pace. You get to choose what you want to participate in, you can simply read it and think about it. You don't have to complete the activities.
**Send me and email - There we discuss the option that works for you.
Hoe werk die Self gedrewe Pakkette?
** Die Self-gedrewe pakket is 'n boek wat gevul is met aktiwiteite, Trauma genesing tegnieke asook informasie om die genesing proses aan te huts.
** Jy voltooi die boek in jou eie tyd. Jy kan kies hoe jy die boek wil gebruik. Indien jy dit net wil lees en daaroor na dink, want skryf is nie jou ding nie, dan maak jy so.
Stuur my 'n e-pos. Daar bespreek ons die opsie wat vir jou werk!
What are the options?
Wat is die opsies?
a) I email the book to you and you can print it. Price as listed.
a) Ek stuur die boek vir jou via e-pos en jy kan dit self druk. Prys soos op Webtuiste.
b) I print the book, bind it and send it via Postnet. Additional cost of R150
b) Ek druk en bind die boek en stuur dit met PostNet. Addisionele koste van R150
*Are you in a long term relationship and you feel like you are not bonding as you used to?
* Is jy in 'n langtermyn verhouding/vriendskap en julle dryf uitmekaar?
Content: Information around different Pillars of a relationship, examples as well as actionable suggestions on improving the relationship.
Inhoud: Informasie rondom die pilare waarop 'n verhouding (Platonies of Romanties) gebou word. Voorbeelde en gidse ingesluit.
Price/Prys: R300
Learn how to make lasting changes in your life.
* Leer om blywende verandering in jou lewe te maak.
This Canva Designed booklet will enhance your ability to find and celebrate Gratitude.
* Die Canva- ontwerp -boek sal jou vermoê om Dankbaarheid te vind en te vier versterk.
*There are pearls of wisdom weaved onto each page.
* Daar is wyshede ingeweef in elke bladsy.
* Actionable activities to embrace.
* Aktiwiteite om die ervaring te gids.
Written by someone who had to teach themselves how to find Gratitude again.
* Geskryf deur iemand wat haar stukkies moes optel en leer hoe om weer in dankbaarheid te leef.
Price/Prys: R440
**You are experiencing Grief and Loss.
*Jy ervaar Rou en Verlies in jou lewe.
**You are unsure about what the mourning process is suppose to look like, and how to heal.
* Jy is onseker oor hoe die Rou proses lyk en hoe om te genees.
This journal is designed based on the stages of Grief with Life Truths from my own experience with Grief, and step by step actions you can choose to take on the path to healing. Guidance through the stages of Grief.
* Die Joernaal is ontwerp met die stappe van Rou, Lewenswaarhede van my eie ervarings met Rou, asook, stap vir stap aksies wat jy kan kies om te neem op die pad na genesing.
Begeleiding deur die Stadiums van Rou.
Price/Prys: R360
You have been faced with a change in your life.
* Jy staar verandering in die oë.
** Expected stages you may go through while you are in this process of crafting a way forward to this new reality.
** Steps and activities to assist in the crafting of this new reality change has brought.
* Wat jy kan verwag en die stappe wat jy sal deurgaan terwyl jy gewoond raak aan verandering.
*Gids aktiwiteite om jou te help om die nuwe te aanvaar en te skep- ingesluit.
Price: R440
If you are struggling with an addiction, whether it is smoking, alcohol or a habit you want to release, this booklet will guide the process in conjunction with counselling.
This booklet cannot be emailed , it can only be printed and posted.
Indien jy sukkel met verslawing, of dit nou rook / alkohol behels of 'n gewoonte wat jy wil afleer, die boek sal die proses gids saam met Berading sessies.
Die boek kan slegs gedruk en gestuur word, die boek word nie per e-pos gestuur nie.
Understanding the root of you addiction.
Understanding triggers.
Forging a future without the addiction.
Written prompts to unearth internal triggers.
Exploring what you can do to fill the space the addiction is leaving.:
Ontdek en verstaan die wortel van die verslawing.
Verstaan die drukpunte wat jou na jou verslawing laat reik.
Ontwerp van 'n toekoms sonder die verslawing.
Geskrewe aktiwiteite om die proses en gedagtes te gids, asook om interne drukpunte te openbaar.
It is highly recommended that this booklet is used with Therapy/Counselling sessions.
Effectiveness of booklet cannot be guaranteed without counselling sessions.
Die effektiwiteit van die boek word direk beïnvloed deur die berading/terapie sessies wat jy bywoon.
Die word hoogs aanbeveel dat die boek nie los staande gebruik word nie.
Available in Afrikaans and English.
Price: R530
Amazing seven weeks Life coaching at the low price of R3600!
Ongelooflike 7 week Lewensgids program vir slegs R3600.
Discover what you contribute to society, explore your worth! Trauma Healing activities included and moments to celebrate who you are!
Empower yourself with new techniques that you can add to your Toolbox.
Ontdek wat jy bydra tot die samelewing, wat jou waarde is! Trauma genesing aktiwiteite en oomblikke wat ons vier wie JY is!
Bemagtig jouself met nuwe tegnieke!
What do you get ?/ Wat kry jy?
* Actionable Information Sheets and Worksheets
Aktiwiteite asook Informasie bladsye.
* Includes personalized Coaching meeting once a week.
* Persoonlike Lewensgids sessie ingesluit .
( Een keer 'n week).
Payment Plan/ Betalings plan: 50% Deposit(o) with 6 weekly payments of R300 /met 6 weeklikse betalings van R300.
We Identify areas of your life that is out of Balance.
and Reduce the stress in your Life!
Ons identifiseer die areas in jou lewe wat nie in balans is nie en
Ons verminder spanning en angs in jou lewe.
Why is this package unique?
*Includes Information and Activity Sheets. Sourcing articles and Blogs for additional development.
*Includes Personalized coaching sessions once a week
WhatsApp Contact throughout the week.
*Free Access to Trauma Counselling.
*Program Personalized to your unique situation.
Wat maak die pakket uniek?
* Ek kry artikels en ontwerp aktiwiteite vir jou onthalwe om te pas by wat jy wil ontwikkel.
* Sluit in een kontak sessie per week MET deurlopende WhatsApp kontak.
* Vrye toegang tot alle Trauma Tegnieke waarin ek opgelei is. Die program word omwerp rondom jou voorkeure.
Duration: 4 weeks
Cost: R 6000
Ever wondered what your role as the communicator is?
Want to know how you can improve your listening experience?
Empower yourself and others by adding communication tools to your toolbox.
This is an intensive Life and Business Coaching Program which includes Information and Activity sheets as well as Individual Coaching Sessions.
Duration: 7 Weeks + 1 Week Application
Cost: R8000
This program is designed to strengthen communication skills between individuals, Managers and employees as well as couples.
This program allows you to understand and implement strategies and techniques to improve and strengthen your ability to communicate.
Troubleshooting included in the package.
Payment plan: 50% Deposit with 8 weekly Payments of R500.
Upgrading / Opgradering
This course has been designed as a Life Coaching and Business Coaching Package.
Die kursus is ontwerp as a Lewens en Besigheids gids.
a) If you have a goal that has been eluding you, and you need someone to guide you through the process - this course is for you.
Indien jy 'n mikpunt het wat jy nie bereik nie - is die kursus is vir jou.
b) Want to learn to create what you want and how to guide yourself through the process?
Wil jy leer hoe om jou eie toekoms te ontwerp en watter stappe om te volg?
c) Identification and healing of areas that are holding you back.
Identifisering en genesing van areas wat jou hinder.
Course includes/ Kursus behels:
* 1 contact session per week.
1 kontak sessie per week.
* Availability throughout the week.
Beskikbaarheid vir kontak deur die hele week.
* Information and Activity Sheets.
Informasie en Aktiwteite om die proses te gids.
* Personalized healing of limiting beliefs.
Persoonlike genesing van beperkende denke en paradigmas.
* You can use the same activities more than once, once you have the process it is yours for LIFE!
Jy kan dieselfde stappe oor en oor gebruik vir nuwe areas, sodra jy die proses verstaan is dit joune vir die RES van jou lewe!
Duration/Durasie: 6 weeks
Payment plan(s) available on request.
Betalings planne beskikbaar op aanvraag.
Cost/Prys: R 9000
Call me: +27 (0)828530524